About the group

1. TITLE _ Ackworth & District Heritage Group .2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
The group aims to promote, preserve, and protect the historical buildings, monuments, and environs of Ackworth within any legal constraints.
Membership shall be open to any person completing an application form and payingthe current annual subscription fee.
All members shall be admitted to all normal functions free of charge.
However, functions shall not take place under the group name without prior approval of the Committee. All members will be eligible to vote at each Annual General Meeting.
Thefinancial yearshallbeginandsubscriptionsshallbecomedueonthedateofeachAGM Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed if outstanding fees remain three months after the AGM.
Theaffairsofthegroupwillbeconductedbyacommitteeofthirteen competent persons, comprising of ten members elected by the membership and three nominative members appointed by the following bodies:
1. Ackworth Parish Council
2. Ackworth United Charities
All committee members will be appointed for a three year term of office at each appropriate AGM Upon the occurrence of a vacancy the committee shall have the authority to elect a member to complete the term of office of an elected member. In the case of it being a nominative member, then notice shall be given to the proper appointing body to fill the vacancy. The committee shall at the first ordinary meeting after the AGM elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer from their number
and will be responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the group’s financial affairs and a minute book recording all the meetings.
Maintain a bank account in the group’s name with a minimum of two unrelated cheque signatories. Thecommitteewillmeetaminimumoffourtimeseachyear.
The committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four members to advise or help with specific tasks.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be elected at the first ordinary meeting after the AGM each
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall always be eligible for re-selection. If at any meeting the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are not present within ten minutes of the appointed time of a meeting, the committee shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.
There shall be a quorum when five committee members are present at a meeting.
Everymattershallbedeterminedbythemajorityofvotesofthecommitteememberspresent. Inthecase of equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote, whether he or she has or has not voted previously on the same question. No member in other circumstances shall give more than one vote.
The annual accounts of the group shall be independently audited by a suitably qualified person and presented to the AGM by the treasurer.
Proposed changes to the group constitution must be notified to the committee in writing at least four weeks prior to the AGM and include signed statements by proposer and seconder. Proposed amendments will be voted upon at the AGM, and determined by a simple majority.
In the event of the group membership falling below six members, the committee shall wind up its affairs donating remaining funds to Ackworth United Charities.
Founder Members Jean Coppack, Pauline Lockett, Jim Lamprey.
Current Committee
- P.S. Lockett – Chairperson
- G. Atkinson – Vice Chairperson
- P. Ventom – Secretary
- D. Lamb – Treasurer
- M. Utting
C. Jevens - G.Tune
D. Pearson
P. Richardson - E.Astel
- W. Wigglesworth
- Honorary Member – J Lamprey
Previous Committee Members
- Jean Coppack – Chairperson
- Stephen Carlisle – Treasurer
- David Myers – Treasurer
- Denis Fricker – Treasurer
- Margaret Jubb – Treasurer
- Harry Miles – Photographer
- Peter Gallagher
- Des Waites
- Sylvia Jones
- Chris Meaby
All events held at the Parish Rooms, Bell Lane at 7.30 pm
The Programmes
The Group was formed as a result of a number of concerned citizens getting together to raise funds for the repair of the Preaching Cross on the Village Green following the Cross being damaged by vandals.
As part of the fund raising two postcards were produced:
A picture of the Cross.
Four views of Ackworth.
W.R.E.N was contacted to see what grants towards the repairs were available.
The Group continued with its fund raising activities for the repair of the Preaching Cross on the Village Green. An Auction at the Brown Cow on 9th November raised £1720.50.
W.R.E.N confirmed that a grant was available and this together with the funds raised by the group was sufficient for the work to be commissioned.
M.Lamprey, Builders was appointed Contractor and work commenced.
In 2001 the Group had raised sufficient funds together with a grant from W.R.E.N for the repairs to the Preaching Cross on the Village Green to be commissioned.
The repaired Cross was unveiled at a Ceremony in July by Reverend Paul Hartley, Vicar of St. Cuthbert’s. The Service of Rededication was performed by the Leader of Churches together with all local churches represented.
In keeping with this the Finger Post on the Village Green was also repaired and re-painted.
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Having spent 2003 on developing plans for future activities 2004 saw them coming to fruition with two major activities inaugurated.
The first was the start of the monthly meetings, each with a guest speaker. The first meeting was in February with the guest speaker Ron Gosney with a talk on Maritime Knottingley. This was followed by a further seven meeting in the year.
This series of eight meetings per annum continues today.
The second was the Village Green Fete on 6th June to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of D Day.
The Fete was opened by Mrs Sylvia Jones who was born in Low Ackworth and had served in the RAF during the war.
Whilst we didn’t hold a Fete in 2005 it has become an annual event from 2006.
We started fund raising for the repair of the Obelisk at the top of Station Road by publishing “Miles Around Ackworth” featuring photographs supplied by Harry Miles. The profits from the sale of the book going to the repairs fund.
Beaufort Farm which occupied the land on the corner of Lee Lane and Station Road was developed as a small residential estate. After discussions with the developer it was agreed it should be named Beaufort Mews rather than the originally proposed name of Carrington Gardens.
February – Ron Gosney, Maritime Knottingley
March – Janet Niepokcyczcka, Packhorse Days
April – Monsignor Bradley, Ackworth Grange
May – Barbara Weatherall, Our lovely Country
September – Eric Houlder, Loos
October -Mr Brown, Mining
November AGM, David Newbould, Painting Demonstration
December – Roy Young, Minding Someone Else’s Business
This was a quiet year. The programme of regular meetings continued together with fund raising for the repair of the obelisk.
Talks were held with Wakefield MDC regarding the availability of grants and they agreed a grant.
A Stone Mason, Colin Beal was commissioned to carry out the repairs.
February 24th – David Downham – The Universe Around Us Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
March 31st – Janet Niepokojczcka – Those Mysterious Stones
April 28th – Simon Tomson- Mediaeval Gardens
May 26th – Bob Brown – Local Mining (Continued)
June – Evening Visit September 29th
Eric Houlder- Excavations at Saint Aidan’s
October 27th – Philip Baker – Excavating the Mary Rose
November 24th – AGM – Richard Collier – A tour of Yunnan, China
Dec 15th – Michael Leach- European Organs
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 4th June and was opened by Paul Hartley, the Rector of St. Cuthbert’s Church. The Fete has now become an annual event.
The Obelisk at the top of Station Road was successfully repaired.
February – Janet Niepokojczcka, Yorkshire Links
March – Mrs Tucker, Life in a Tudor household
April – Mrs Tweedle, I’ve got one of those
May – David Newbould, Portrait Painting
September, Eric Houlder, Exploring Roman Roads
October – Simon Tomson, The Woodhall Excavations
November AGM – Stephen Carlisle, Luke Howard
December – David Wilder, Castleford Pottery
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The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 3rd June and was opened by Phylis Asquith. For many years Phyllis had been the Post Master at the High Ackworth Post Office.
A raffle of a painting of the Howard School given by David Newbould paid for the purchase of a Blue Plaque commemorating the building of the School by Rachel Howard in 1833.
February – Jan Scrine, The Milestone Society
March – Janet Niepokojczcka, Past Times in Cartmel Vale
April – Nigel Hunston, Listed Buildings in Ackworth
May – Mrs Tweedle, Kill or Cure remedies
September, Simon Tomson, Roman Castleford
October – Richard Shepherd, Development Campaign of York Minster
November AGM – Paul Ventom, Ackworth Quarries
December – Ken Humphries, Music Halls
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 1st June and was opened by Ada Pritchard.
Ada was born in Ackworth and was a long term parishioner and supporter of St. Cuthbert’s Church. She assisted in the reprinting of “Historical Antiquities of Ackworth” by W.A. Green
January 24th – Open Evening
February 28th – Michael Leach A taste of Iceland
March 27th – David Curtis History of S.John Ambulance
April 24th – Roy Young Desert Island Antiques
May 29th – Sir Thomas Ingleby Bart Ripley Castle
June 21st – Outing to Beamish
September 25th – Simon Tomson Rosslyn Chapel, Da VinciofDoom
October 23rd – Janet Niepokojczcka Magical Island of Colonsay
November 20th (A G M) – Stephen Carlile Luke Howard
December 18th – Norman Dale Hidden Pontefract
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 7th June and was opened by Edith Cosgrove.
Edith was a very old resident of Ackworth and a long term parishioner and supporter of All Saints Church.
January – Open Evening
February – Brian Hall, Parlington Hall
March – Janet Niepokojczcka, Yorkshire People
April – D Cook, The Middleton railway
May 29th – B King, Rogers and Hammerstein Musicals
September 25th – Simon Tomson, Roman Tunisia
October 23rd – Amy Stark, Nepal
November 20th (A G M) – Mr A Marshall, Maundy Money
December 18th – C Tweedle, Nativity Plays
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 6th June and was opened by Harry Miles who has created a photographic records of the village over his lifetime.
In the summer we presented the Parish Council with a series of framed photographs taken by Harry Miles of the local quarrying businesses.
In the spring a party of volunteers from the Group painted the Railings around John Gully’s Grave.
January – Mrs Harris, Horse Therapy
February – Michael Bradford, Fountains Abbey
March – John Whittaker, Charles Waterton
April – Ian Clayton, The Featherstone Riots
May – John Heath, When did WW1 start?
September – Leader Brothers, Rockingham Pottery
October – Mr F Wirght, Life as an Auctioneer
November (A G M) – D Cook, Sundials
December – Elsie Walton, Chevet Hall
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 5th June and was opened by Bridget Meloy.
Bridget was born in the village and for many years delivered milk to the households of the village. In 1935 her father helped to build Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
Stephen Parker discovered three Tenter Poles on Constitution Hill. They were removed and re-sited outside Ackworth Cemetery. The poles fitted with fitted with horizontal bearers were used to dry animal skins when fellmongered.
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 3rd June and was opened by Russell Devy.
97 year old Russell had been the village policeman for many years.
The Group was more active this year with a number of events.
It was agreed with the developer of Our Lady of Lourdes site to be named Lourdes Grange. The Milestones in Ackworth were repainted.
The Gravestone of Sara Grice was repaired and re-lettered. Sara was the first head teacher of the Howard School and is buried in the Plymouth Brethren Cemetery which is in the grounds of the School.
Paul Ventom assisted in the erection of a Blue Plaque to John Fowler on a house in Barnsley Road.
The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 2nd June and was opened by Nora Carlisle.
Nora, a keen hockey player and teacher was Captain of the Yorkshire Ladies Hockey team and was a head mistress when she retired.
It was agreed with the developer of the site of Lampreys Nursery for the development to be named Lamprey Gardens.
January – Harry and Peter Miles, Low Ackworth past and present
February – Brian Dalton, Wentworth castle, history and restoration
March – Graham Darysmith, Towton Battlefield
April – Michael Britton, The Tempest Family
May – John Walsh, Antiques Roadshow
June – Outing to be arranged
September – Dr Richard Shepard, Restoration of the Great East Window in York Minster
October – Pat McLaughlin, Hardwick Hall old and new
November AGM – Louise Cook, An Archaeological Landscape
December – Elsie Walton, Other People’s Rubbish
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The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 1st June the 70th Anniversary of the start of World War One and was opened by Ken Stephenson.
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Ken aged 91served in the Parachute Regiment comes from a family with a military background. His father served in the Army during the 1914-18 war and his Grandson John is currently serving in the Army.
The Group arranged for the book “Old Ackworth in Pictures to be re-printed.
January – Harry and Peter Miles, Views of Moortop and Brackenhill
February – Janet Niepokojczcka, Through Lakeland by stagecoach
March – Pat McLaughlin The Knights Templar
April – Helen Cox, Battle of Towton
May – Kate Taylor, Cinemas
June – Sunday Village Green Event
July – Outing to Eyam, Derbyshire
September – Simon Towson, Pontefract’s Black Friars
October – Eric Houlder, the Black Death
November AGM – John Hodgkins, Gold Mining
December – Leader Brothers, Mystery Box
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The programme of regular meetings continued.
A Fete was held on the Village Green on 5th June the and was opened by Eileen King.
Eileen was born in Bath. After a spell teaching in Southern England she moved to Ackworth where she began her 33 year stay of teaching at the Quaker School. Eileen a supporter of Charitable Activities is a long term member of the Heritage Group.
The Group agreed with the Developers of the Green Lane Estate that the roads would be named after the Quarry Owners.
Funds were raised to create a Memorial to the men that died when working in the quarries at Ackworth. The memorial was unveiled in a ceremony on 25th April by Mrs. Pauline Lockett, Chairperson of the Group.
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January – Colin Stalgis, Finding an ancestor’s war grave
February – Janet Niepokojczcka, Robin Hood
March – Michael Britton, Magna Carta
April – Dr Phillip Judkin, First World War over Yorkshire
May – Pat Osbourne, Anne Lister of Shibden Hall Halifax
June – Summer Outing to Nantwich Cheshire
September – Simon Tomson, WWII Defences in Loch Ewe
October – Pat McLaughlin, Exploring Ancient Churches
November AGM – Helen Cox , Everyday female lives in Medieval England
December – David Wilcox, Pontefract’s hermitage
January – Roger Ellis, Robsons of Pontefract
February – Chris Helm, A week in May
March – Amy Downes, Hotch Potch of Hoard and Haberdashery
April – Pat McLaughlin, Saxon and Viking England
May – David Cook, This New Fangled metre
June – Excursion to Warwick
September – Peter Higginbottom, Workhouses
October – Helen Cox, Everyday female lives in mediaeval England
November AGM – Janet Niepokcyczcka, The Packhorse in Art and Literature
December – Keith Barber, 40s, 50s, 60s
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